Before I get to the quilting stuff, I have to tell you about my YOGA experience. I have taken a few yoga classes in the past, but I could not say that I practice yoga by any means. I decide to take the first class ever at the LifeTime Yoga studio.
First - someone told me that to really experience yoga, you need to go to a yoga studio rather than take yoga at a gym. My guess is the TOTAL relaxation thing you can get at a dedicated studio. You know - go into class early and start to relax which is impossible when you can hear music thumping in the background and the windows are open to the gym, etc.
Well this yoga studio is DEDICATED. A huge room with the windows blocked by heavy drapes, a nice entrance with a REAL rug on the floor (not carpet), a nice spot to put your shoes and other things so you do not take them into the studio and clutter up the space and hence your relaxation environment. The only noise I have heard from outside was someone when they went ripping down the street with a broken muffler. Nothing from the gym - it is weird.
The lights are dimmed when you enter, candles are burning, incense - the whole nine yards.
OK - so the first class. I have met up with another lady by this point who was also going to take yoga - we get to the studio early (as we were told) and there are NOT a lot of people there. room for 60 though. Eventually the place starts to fill and everyone is chatting with each other - are you a member - are you going to become a member. Then the class starts. Very relaxed and - oh did I mention it was HOT yoga. I managed to do most of the moves, but here is an observation when one takes yoga.
When you walk into that room, you have to hunt for a spot to stake as your own. You eye the other people in the room - hmmmmmmm - who is the least likely to be a yoga expert - should I stake myself beside them so I won't look so bad or do I look for someone with a bit more knowledge so I can have someone to follow, although I will look like a stiff pretzel compared to a pretzel on steroids.
Then I took the second class - (after I persuaded M and her boyfriend to come along - we did not stay together of course). Hmmmmmmm - starts out with a lot of talking in this class, but that's OK - I can lay there and listen - NO PROBLEM. the instructor throws in a few moves, but I am starting to like that downward dog thing. HEY - I can DO THIS.
Yesterday I decided to get up bright and early and take an early class. OH BOY - what happened?????? Let's just say that this fellow was not a NORMAL person. I scoop a spot beside TWO pretzels on steroids who could twist and bend in positions that my body was revolted at just the thought. Breath - this class is all about breathing. Are you KIDDING ME????????? Breath - I can't remember to breath and try to do these crazy movements at the same time. Downward dog became torture!! Twist, turn, rotate and flip. Oh yes - let's just put our arms on the floor and lift our legs in the air. Oh yes - I do that all the time - IN MY MIND!!!!!! Anyway the teacher was nice and said that everyone has to learn their own pace (hey - there were others - many others who struggled with those positions - not the pretzels on steroids beside me though - she and her BOYFRIEND - did EVERYTHING. Show offs!!!!!!! I did manage to sort of do one or two of the more complicated moves by the end - so yes it can happen.
Bottom line - I like yoga. I do not think about what has to be done and after one of the classes - I had to think HARD to remember what was on my TO DO list for the day. I loved that. But your body does feel better - taller, less tense. I am going back for more, but not today. Doesn't fit into my schedule today.
The best part of YOGA - the last two minutes when you get to lay on the mat and just relax. MY FAVOURITE part. Oh yes - yesterday, the instructor played that song about the advice - you know - whatever happens in the future - just wear SUNSCREEN. Here is the link if you are not familiar with it
Sunscreen song
What shocked me was the number of people who asked the instructor what song it was - how could they get it - blah blah blah. First off - have they never heard it?????? And what about googling SUN SCREEN song to get the info.
OK - enough about the yoga - but if you haven't tried it - you should and yes - a studio would be my choice.
Yesterday was a pampered sit n sew day. Wow - my fundraising days are almost over for the year and I have raised almost all the money that I need. I think there are THREE days left so if you want to participate - you better let me know.
The girls got lots of work done - hey I was pressing ALL DAY. They kept me busy. Here is what they accomplished.
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Judy got three Elm Creek blocks assembled and parts of several others |
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Daphne got her log cabin assembled (hey who is peeking around the corner in the back left???) |
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A double sided receiving blanket (dad is a pilot, mom plays soccer) |
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One sided receiving blanket |
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Carol made a LOT of those stratas in the background and got two blocks cut. This was from my Marti Michele class where I teach you all about her rulers. A good learning place. Check it out at Ruti's |
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Pauline is trying to get her Dragon Star quilt done. Those flying geese take a long time - don't tell me that as I still have mine to do. |
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Joyce got not one |
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but TWO table runners done - well they have to be trimmed, but the tops are basically done |
It was a great day. Always lots of laughs, good company and great ideas to share with the others.
Here are some other pictures that I came across in the editor that I haven't posted yet.
Last week, I taught a class on Day and Night by Eleanor Burns. This is the work of the students
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Shelley |
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Nancy |
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Joy |
All of the above was the three colour, four strip method. But look at what happened with the next one.
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Totally different look. This was Ruth's - three colour, three strip - The accent and the day colour needed to switch places. What a different look. |
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One of the little mini quilts of mine. |
Remember the This & That mystery that is published on Mondays? Remember that I won the prize for the Christmas tablerunner??? Well my prize arrived yesterday - have a look........................
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TEN of her newest patterns and a LAYER cake of OOH LA LA - now isn't that exciting??????? |
I must get myself in gear and get working on the current mystery. I am a bit behind, but won't take long to catch up.
Let's see - what else is hiding in here......................
Oh yes - I went to the Mississauga Guild meeting a week ago. The speakers were past presidents talking about what the guild meant to them. A couple of neat surprises from some of the quilts that were on display.......
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This was another quilt made by Jane. When she was finished her term, the guild made cups for her. I think she made all the teapots. Anyway the setting is absolutely amazing. |
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I managed to zero in right away on my teacup - which I didn't remember which was mine - I just got lucky. But the cool thing - our names were on the blocks and therefore we could see who did what. |
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See - there I am. |
My initial thought is - who wants to see those names on the front, but after seeing this quilt MANY years after it was made, I really APPRECIATED seeing the names on the blocks. Something to think about in a group project. The names were written very subtle on the quilt. I am thinking about going back to a couple of my group projects and writing the names in an inconspicuous space.
Wait - there's more......................
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Kaylee went home last week and this is her on the way home. Hmmmmmmmmm - is she bored????? depressed??????? And that extra roll by her eye - that is NOT her ear - that is her skin on her face. |
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What a goof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
On that note - I had better scoot. I have no classes to teach this weekend, but the work - well we are NOT going there.
Have a great day...................................................
Ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or should I say NAMASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I do yoga three times a week Elaine! Love it!!! I go to a studio right behind our shop! My favourite class is the fusion one, she incorporates lifting weights and a ton of lunges in with yoga! I know yoga is a non competitive sport, but personally.....I like to think I'm winning!