Big dilemma to deal with. OK - so remember that mantra - PRIORITIZE FOCUS WIN. Yeah - well it works, but I have difficulty with the prioritize part.
Wait a minute - ALL RIGHT - I ADMIT IT - I have a LOT to do. I am not even sure how it happened, but with exchanges and blocks of the month and custom quilts and teaching and making samples and and and - well it is hard to prioritize when so much is DUE at the same time. And each month I say - NEXT MONTH will be better.
Now don't get me wrong - I still have time to goof off. I finished another book yesterday by a GREAT CANADIAN author.
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Still Life by Louise Penny |
Louise Penny is a Canadian author and her books are about Chief Inspector Gamache. This is the first of her series and the setting is different cities/towns in Quebec. Since I lived in Quebec for many years, perhaps that is why I am drawn to them??? Anyway - they are murder/mystery - very well written books with a small town flare. And this one - well there was a page, actually two pages that described Marian to a T. I mean - I think they wrote those pages for her. Well my thoughts of her anyway. I photocopied them to give to her. She is going to KILL me for that one. Ah - well - we just have to keep our sense of humour about us!!!!!
I must say that when you venture out of the mainstream of the POPULAR authors - both the quick reads and those that get on Oprah - well there are a lot of great books. And to share some of my insanity and so you know that I have been OBSESSIVE my entire life - when I was younger - let's say Grade 4 or so (and I went to a one-room school house for five years - bet you didn't know that about me!!!!). Anyway - my view of the world was PRETTY SMALL and I remember saying to myself (hopefully just to myself) that I wanted to read EVERY BOOK in the world. OK - so I was a LITTLE ambitious!!!!!!
And I took Imelda for her bloodwork appointment on Thursday. Oh my - we had a great time chatting up a storm about everyone and everything. It was great fun. Here she is with her hat...............
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Imelda with her warm hat!!!!! |
Yesterday morning I went to yoga and I've decided that I REALLY need a bag to carry my mat in. OK - I don't really need one, but since I can sew - the least I can do is make a bag for the mat. I have been searching the internet and found a pattern for a gorgeous bag.
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NICE yoga bag |
But I want funky fabric for it. And I have been looking - found lots and of course Marian got on the internet and sent me a ton of links. I am torn between a couple - what do you think........................
Yoga fabric Number 1
Yoga fabric Number 2
Yoga fabric number 3
And the one that started this whole business..................
Yoga fabric number 4
I contacted the lady with Number 4 - she only has scraps left so that is NOT a possibility. I LOVE LOVE Number 3, but where to find that - I am sure it is gone as well. Number 2 is kind of neat and Number 1 is cute as well. Perhaps today I can stop and check out Number 2 and see if I like it in person.
Yes - this would mean starting a NEW project, but it is small and I have been VERY good all year so far!!!!!
Oh yes - I was going to tell you my story about the gym. I was going to go to Boot Camp, but when I woke up, I just couldn't get my head around the running and jumping that is Boot Camp. I HATE jumping stuff - just hate it. And in case you think - oh that poor girl doesn't have a good bra - I have the SHOCK ABSORBER bra and NOTHING moves. I just hate jumping. So I bundled myself off to yoga. Ahhhhhhh - I like Adam. He is gentle, he doesn't hold the stretches for long periods of time, he is quiet (no music though - I like the music!!!) and over all it was great. Except that I had physio on my shoulder this week and OH GOD - they went so deep, that I couldn't lift my arm to do some of the exercises!!!!!!!!
Then back in the change room (where I WEAR my towel - someone complained and an e-mail was sent to everyone - NO NAKED BUTTS in front of the mirror or in the hot tub!!!!!!!), but I digress............. I realized that I had told Katheleen she could come over any time after eight to use the long arm. It is now 7:40. Oh crap - a quick shower and then in the car and just as I am pulling into the driveway, I realize that I didn't get all the shampoo out of my hair and I have a HUGE gob of WHITE moisturizer on my face. Oh yeah - I looked quite attractive as I sashayed my way out of the gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Normally Katheleen is early, but she decided to take her time and didn't arrive until 10 AM. Oh well!!!!! But look at what she did................
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Katheleen's bargello quilt |
I have to laugh at this one. Katheleen took this class with me a while back. And she comes regularly to my Pampered Sit n Sew days. She spent a number of days working on this - well not all day. Then it was DONE!!!! Well the top was done, but she lives with her mother and took the top home and showed her. Her mom used to quilt. Katheleen was very excited and laid it on the bed and pronounced that "it" was done. Her mother looked at it and said "in her day - they used to put a backing and batting in it!!!!". Oh my - I smile every time I think of that story. Her mom is 92!!!!!! So now she can go home and show her that it does have a backing and batting. Just no binding YET!!!!
And what have I been working on - well let's have a look.....................
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Oh look at this gorgeous quilt. My goodness - and twirling all those seams no less. |
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And this applique! I can't believe you did all that stitching - it is beautiful!!!!! |
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And look at this beautiful block. She is going to love it!!! |
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Oh and this is gorgeous. |
Well as you guessed - I have done some applique for one exchange and since the owner of that block reads the blog - you can't see it. And the block - well same thing. And part of it is homework for the class today and you will see it tomorrow and the other project is for a magazine and you can't see that either!!!!!! I feel like I'm working in a bunker - everything is CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET!!!!! Don't worry - all will be revealed in good time. Just not now!!!!!
On that note - I had better go and finish off the work for this morning class.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like number 2, the only issue is its going to be on the floor and wherever and it would get dirty real fast. I had to really look to see the design.
ReplyDeleteNumber 1 when I pulled it up, I laughed when i saw it. Its bright and will hold the dirt a little better.
If you like the #4 and there are only scraps, maybe you could add to these scraps and make your very own material and then have a one-of-a-kind yoga bag. Also, I find these yoga bags too uncomfortably small.