Time to catch up on some of the reveals that have happened in the last couple of weeks. I'll start with Rosewood Cottage at Sew n Serge.
I think last time I posted pictures I got mixed up and posted someone else's as Lucy. Well NO ONE can do what Lucy is doing!!!! She bought the MOST AMAZING fabric ever and is using it throughout this quilt. Those funky flowers - it is a brilliant idea!!!!! Don't rush to Sew n Serge to buy some - that darn Lucy bought it ALL!!!!!!! |
More of Lucy's blocks and see how she was able to bring that floral fabric throughout. The flower on the heart block is a 3-D flower |
Again - Lucy brought that floral throughout all the blocks - even the house!!!! |
More of Lucy's blocks - she wasn't there last month!!!! |
Lynn is using Kansas Troubles fabric and it is to die for!!!!!! |
Marnie is on the DARK side!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that pink and block check. I wonder where she got it. It would be interesting to see what this block would look like if those hour glass blocks were reversed??? Marnie - did you try that??? |
More of Marnie's blocks |
Marnie's house - I LOVE that fabric for the roof!!!! |
Marnie's background blocks - she still has to do the applique |
Susan M - she was a little excited and got the center panel completed!!!! |
Wow - that is so impressive!!!! The way the group has so creatively used their fabric blows my mind!!!!! I just love it!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a couple of people missing so hopefully they will be caught up by the next meeting. Great job everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE to see show n tell from previous classes, especially if it is finished. Look what Lynn brought to class.................
DRAGON STAR and it is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lynn - it looks so AWESOME. You should give yourself a BIG PAT on the back!!!!!!! Colour choices are stunning!!!!!! |
She did NOT put a binding on the quilt |
Nope - she faced it. And it looks awesome done that way!!!! |
And more show n tell - this time - the Block of the Month from the Mississauga guild. Heather could not make the meeting, so she popped by my house to show me her homework. See how dedicated these members are??????
WOW - this is going to win the "KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF" award for BRIGHTNESS!!!!!! |
I LOVE IT. I will try to get some more pictures at the next meeting, but it is very hard. I will try to find someone to give my camera to (maybe Helen Anne???) and she can take a couple of pictures - the colour ways are ALL amazing!!!!!!
Well I have some show n tell for you as well. Got one more quilt done yesterday and as I had mentioned - this one was HUGE!!!!! How HUGE????
I was doing a pantograph on the quilt and that requires laying out the paper pattern. You can see here that I was pretty much at the END of the paper pattern. If the quilt was any bigger - I would had to turn it and do it in the other orientation!!!! |
Customer quilt - I LOVE the colour and the pattern. This is HALF of the quilt |
See my helper is holding up the part that you can't see!!!!! |
Detail of quilting |
I did manage to get everything for OTHER people on the appropriate shelves - TWO shelves.
TWO SHELVES with stuff that belong to SOMEONE else. But I offered to do it for them - some are gifts!!! This is going to be a focus for 2014. I would so LOVE to get that off my plate this year. Some of it has been hanging around for YEARS - I won't say how many, but MANY years!!!!! And when there is NO LIST and therefore no reminder, I do what is in front of my face and stuff like this - gets pushed to the back burner. |
I also managed to clear TWO big shelves in a closet upstairs - the closet where I store my batting scraps. So that is AMAZING. It means that with some juggling - I can get rid of most of this extra stuff. Well - I will take pictures as I proceed, so you can see. The trick is going to be - DO NOT ADD TO THE PROBLEM!!!!!!
And you know how they say - that things are going to get worse before they get better????? Well - have a look at this..................
Oh yeah - looks like a tornado went through here!!!!! See the shelf in the back. The ironing board has that huge quilt waiting to be trimmed and well - it is a disaster!!!!! |
Cutting table - with more quilts to be trimmed!!!! |
Well - I had to make ONE change to my new routine. I had planned to do the week`s schedule on Sunday evening, BUT my calendar ends on Saturday so that wasn't going to work. I just made a quick change and now my scheduling session happens on Saturday evening. I did SEVEN quilts last week and there was ONE did not get done. For me - that is a miracle!!! I do get distracted very easily. This week - I have SIX quilts scheduled. I am making good progress.
I did it!!!! I bought a new fleece. I got an e-mail from Northern Reflections that their fleece jackets were on sale! Since I had to go to the mall to buy something for M (and I got to see her at work!!!), I thought I would check out the fleece jackets. Hmmmm - they didn't have black. The red was BRIGHT, so I settled on this colour.................
Dark grey - that is not bad. I will have to try it on again and see if I really like it. They had NO mediums in this colour so I got small and I have to make sure it isn't too small for moving around in and the pockets are in the side seams, NOT the front like my black one. I know - you are saying - it is JUST a fleece jacket. Get over it. Well - this is my GO TO item to wear ALL THE TIME - it had better be what I want!!!!! Someone mentioned Wal-Mart - I may go there to check out the jackets to see if the style is the same. The cost including tax???? $25.00 - doesn't take much to make me happy!!!!!! |
I managed to get a bit of that fabric that Lucy was using. Well - it is NOT the same style. This is in blocks - hers was an overall pattern. I know exactly what I want to do with it - the question is finding the time!!!!!! |
Ono that note - I am out of here. I have customer coming to pick up quilts today and I have a ton of trimming to do and off to spin class at the gym.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll make a point of coming early if you want to give me your camera