Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Sewing like a turtle

It's day three of the retreat, and I seem to be sewing at a turtle pace.  

However, I am making progress. I got my T-shirt completed, but I forgot to take a picture. I'm slipping at taking photos. Now I'm working on the second project I brought, and OH MY GOSH --- the instructions are the worst! It was late last night when I had a eureka moment and figured it out. 

Then up early this morning to finish it off. I have one small detail to correct, and then it's done! I was using my quilt binder to make a LOT of bias binding. Well, it's not on the bias (no need for that), but it was super easy on the binder. 

Using the quilt binder

I had two zoom calls yesterday, and both went off fine. It's amazing what you can do with a computer and a phone as a hotspot! Technology is amazing! 

I popped out to the grocery store to get lunch supplies, and what a lovely new grocery store! I want to go back, just to look. All kinds of yummy things there. Look at these cool soups! I bought one, but of course, I bought the one that needs to simmer for 4 - 5 hours!!! 

Homemade soup mixes

I did NOT buy these, but a mac and cheese slice? Hmm -- I think I'll leave that at the store. 

Mac and cheese slices

I managed to get out for two walks as well, so I met my quota and walked 14 KM. I was going to use the walk this morning to solve the issue with that pattern, but I managed that last night when I was tired. Bonus!!

I saw these giant tracks on the side of the road, and that looked like some GIANT geese who made those. 

Giant geese tracks

And why the heck did they dig this huge ditch in the snow? Sometimes you just wonder what the heck! The people must be away because the driveway isn't plowed, just this big space at the end of the drive. 

A big hole because?

Last night was the Full Worm Moon. It was stunning, and the sky was clear, so we had a great view. Don't you ever wonder when looking a the moon? It's the same for EVERYONE around the world, and when you stare at that moon, how many other people are doing the same thing? 

The full moon

Oh my --- I don't seem to have much to say this morning! I'm anxious to get out for my walk and then back to finish that small detail on the bag I'm working on! Then I have two more bags to make, but they will be super easy since I know what I'm doing. I hate when patterns aren't clear, and I rewrote the darn thing, more or less. Don't worry - it's not a commercial pattern, so you will never see it. 

I had a workshop scheduled for later this month and was notified that it was canceled. While I'm disappointed (slightly), I'm jumping up and down as that gives me a whole "free" day. The students will be mad that they didn't sign up, but that is not my problem!!

Well, it's time to get organized for the day. 

Have a super day!!!



  1. Those are wild turkey tracks!

  2. Possibly, that cleared area (the hole) is for snow melt?
    I do enjoy reading about all your adventures and seeing the pictures. Don't ever stop. :-D
