Tuesday was the FINAL reveal of our Stonehenge Meets Jamestown class. Because the quilts are BIG - I decided to host the reveal at my house (that is why I was vacuuming!!!!!!!!!!)
Here are the original quilts as per the original pattern................
This is the earth tone version |
And here is the jewel tone version |
Just recently TWO different speakers at a quilt meeting were saying - get away from kits. They make you lose your creativity. All the quilts will look the same. Well - have a look at the following show n tell. I think we can tell those speakers - that just because you are making a KIT - your quilt does NOT have to look like that of your neighbour!!!!!!!!!
Pat C - look at those borders!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the orange, but she bought it ALL!!!!!!! Pat made hers in a 6 by 6 configuration. The original was 5 by 7 |
Detail of the borders |
Carol - those borders POP!!!!! A 5 by 7 configuration |
Judy Z - same quilt, but completely different choice of fabrics. She hasn`t had a chance to get the borders on yet. A 6 by 6 configuration |
Judy M - she made not one but TWO quilts like this. Notice that she did 4 by 7 configuration to fit California twin. I only took a picture of one of her quilts. But look how symmetrical this quilt is. |
Kay T got her top together. The first border is going to be the deep purple/pink colour - you can see a strip of it on the bottom right (6 by 6 configuration) |
Ruth got her top together. Awesome job Ruth. She was so worried she wouldn't get this far and she did a n AMAZING job. (5 by 7)
Lois made TWO quilts. |
Lois' first quilt - 4by 6 configuration |
And Lois' second quilt - See how DIFFERENT these two quilts are because of the different coloured borders. WOW!!!!! (3 by 4) - she used up ALL her blocks!!! This one was basted and ready for quilting |
This is the back of the small quilt that Lois had basted. She used some of the leftovers to make it. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! |
Brenda did not get a chance to get her quilt done, but she still brought show n tell. This quilt represents Northern Lights. It is GORGEOUS. She used TWO jelly rolls and picked and choose her colours from the two. |
I hope Brenda doesn't mind if I tell you why she did not get her quilt done. Twenty months ago her house was severely damaged by fire. They lost EVERYTHING. Sixteen months after the fire, they were able to move back into their rebuilt house. Can you imagine LOSING everything? Well it made me think and I must do some kind of inventory of all the rooms - cupboards, etc. She is still dealing with the insurance company with the claim and the deadline is looming, so she is a bit busy with that. Look around your house - would you know what you own if your house burned down???? Brenda - thanks for sharing your story - it is definitely something we all need to be thinking about because it could happen to any of us.
Jan got her top together in a 5 by 7 configuration. |
Here are the borders for Jan's quilt - the tiny piece on the right will be the binding. |
Now why didn't she get her top done? Well she is working on a DOUBLE WEDDING RING that has to be done by August. She brought a little bit to show us.
Jan's STUNNING wedding ring quilt - well part of it!!!!!!!! |
Tish has chosen yet another colour scheme for her quilt to help tone down the pink/purples. It looks like the ocean!!!!! |
And she is getting very CREATIVE with the leftovers. This is supposed to be the backing, but we all thought it would look awesome on its own as a quilt top!!!! |
Celia - choose a different colour scheme from everyone and looks very soft. 5 by 7 configuration. Great colour choices. |
She added these little blocks as cornerstone on one of her borders |
Cathy got her top together in 5 by 7 configuration and look at that border!!! She started with orange (are we starting a trend here???) |
Piano key border - see how she has pieced some of the sections - great way to use up leftovers |
And the corners will be a log cabin |
Veronica chose a completely different colour scheme for her quilt. Again the look is quite different from the others. She is also doing a piano key border after that large purple one. 6 by 6 configuration |
Nelda had her quilt DONE!!!!!! Remember this was one of the ones I quilted a couple of weeks ago!!! Note that she added corner stones in the borders. Also note the last border is only on THREE sides because of the size of the quilt. 5 by 7 configuration |
And there you have it - that is quite an impressive group of quilts!!!!! Awesome job everyone and to those who could not attend the final reveal, hopefully you are working on your quilts and we will see them one day. Don't forget that I love show n tell of any kind!!!!
Then we had POT LUCK lunch. Oh my - the ladies really outdid themselves. We had so much food and it was all WONDERFUL. I didn't get any pictures, but we had salads, we had perogies, we had meatballs, we had DESSERTS. I have discovered that there are some AMAZING bakers in the group and well - as much as I liked the main course - the desserts were HEAVENLY.
Ladies - I want to thank you for such a wonderful year. It was great fun and the show n tell was mind blowing. You all had such amazing energy and creativity and well - it was a pleasure to be part of that group. I look forward to the fall with our new project.................
Rosewood Cottage by Nancy Odom |
If you are interested in making this quilt - I will be running it at Ruti's Needlebed on the third Tuesday of each month starting in September (during the day) and at Brampton Sew n Serge on the first Wednesday of each month starting in September (during the evening). Please contact those stores and get signed up. It is going to be a LOT of fun and very creative. With LOADS to learn about applique. Don't worry - we'll make it FUN!!!!!!
On that note - I am out of here.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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